Diversity Strategic Plan:
Creating a Culture of Inclusive Learning
As an action strategy in accord with Dening Moments: The Strategic Plan for University of Puget Sound, President
Thomas in 2005–06 charged a Diversity Planning Task Force (DPTF) to develop and implement a diversity strategic plan.
An initial plan was drafted in late 2006, an executive summary of which was distributed to the campus community in
January 2007. The DPTF outlined the plan after taking a thorough environmental scan of common and best diversity
practices of institutions of higher education—including peer schools in the Northwest and nationwide—and regional
businesses, and carefully evaluating the current status of diversity practices on our campus through the Campus
Climate for Diversity Survey and review of institutional data.
The strategic goals and objectives of the diversity strategic plan are designed to serve as a vehicle to help move the
university from its current state with regard to diversity practices toward the future state to which we aspire. Arranged
in priority order, the plan outlines strategic goals and objectives to accomplish this.
Goal One
We will increase the recruitment and retention of
students, staff, and faculty from underrepresented
minority groups.
• Improve the campus’ structural diversity by increasing
the number of faculty, staff, and students from
underrepresented minority groups.
• Improve the quality of experiences for
underrepresented minority groups of students, staff,
and faculty.
• Promote the success and retention of
underrepresented minority individuals.
Goal Two
We will create a campus environment that fully
welcomes and supports social diversity.
• Enhance professional development training and
cocurricular programs that engage campus community
members in the challenges and rewards of valuing
diversity and multiculturalism.
• Support continued development of curriculum and
scholarship that address issues of social diversity,
pedagogy, and multiculturalism.
• Address the gains, opportunities, and challenges of
becoming a more diverse campus.
Goal Three
We will improve working and business relationships with
race/ethnic and other diverse communities in the Puget
Sound region.
• Build additional mutually benecial relationships with
race/ethnic and other diverse communities in the Puget
Sound region.
• Develop supplier and business relationships with the
various minority communities.
Goal Four
We will be accountable for implementing the diversity
strategic plan and working toward achieving diversity goals.
• Regularly assess campus climate for diversity
to assist with diversity strategic planning and its
• Create an institutional structure to provide oversight
and support for diversity strategic plan implementation.
• Implement a strategic communication plan around
diversity issues in order to make visible our strengths
and bring diversity concerns into the dominant
discourse of the campus.
• Conduct an asset mapping of current personnel,
budgets lines, and resources dedicated to diversity work