(To be completed by the teacher)
To : The Supervisor/Incorporated Management Committee*,
(Name of School)
(Address of School)
Dear Sir/Madam,
I accept the appointment offered in your letter dated _____________ in
accordance with the attached Conditions of Service for Teachers in Aided Schools. I
understand, and agree to abide by, my obligations under these conditions, the Education
Ordinance** and its subsidiary legislation and the relevant Code of Aid#. I also agree to
abide by all other instructions as may be issued from time to time by the Secretary for
Education /Permanent Secretary for Education concerning aided schools.
Yours sincerely,
Signed :
(in Block Letters)
Address :
Date :
* delete as appropriate
** Copies of the Education Ordinance may be purchased via the online Government Bookstore at
http://bookstore.esdlife.com/. A copy is available in the school for consultation.
# The relevant Code of Aid is available in the school and on the EDB Homepage for consultation.
(revised in June 2005)