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Pilot Competency Certificate PCC:
Small Unmanned Aircraft PCC’s are issued on the basis of Application Form U.F.102 which is
available in this Section of the website. Prior flight training should be accomplished and can be
achieved through instruction available at SUA Registered Training Facilities listed in this Section on
this website. PCC’s are issued after a SUA Flight Examiner has conducted a satisfactory Skills Test on
a PCC applicant and has formally recommended to the Irish Aviation Authority the candidates
Under the conditions of a Specific Operating Permission (SOP) any person flying a Drone shall be a
holder of a current PCC.
PCC’s are valid for a period not exceeding two years from date of issue. Upon expiry of the PCC the
holder should reapply using the same Application Form U.F.102 and is subject to a renewal/refresher
PCC’s are subject to all conditions/limitations detailed within the SUA SOP’s operations manual.
Until further National or European legislation is in effect, PCC’s are issued as testament to a person’s
ability to operate Drones safely within the confines of an SOP holder’s aircraft performance
capability and risk assessment plan as detailed within the operations manual.
SUA Special Authorisation / Approval SA:
The IAA will consider an application for a one time/one-off specific job from Drone operators based
on their National AuthoritiesPermissions including all documentation i.e. Company Registration,
OPs Manual, insurance and a detailed Risk Assessment for the specific operation concerned. This
documentation is not exhaustive. If/and after an operator requires to conduct further flights under
Irish SOP standards the operator will be required to apply for and attend one of the IAA Small
Unmanned Aircraft (SUA)/drone Registered Training Facilities (RTF) as listed in this Section of the

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