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Revision 01-2015 (Form 000-002)
Employee Name: ___________________________________ Social Security#:_____________________
(Last,) (First) (MI)
Client Company: __________________________________________Client #: _____________________
I ______________________________acknowledge the receipt of the company property listed below
along with the value of each item. I understand that each item must be returned to Elite Payroll Solutions in
good working condition on or before the date of my last day of work at Elite Payroll Solutions or at any time as
requested by Management. Where permitted by applicable laws, Elite Payroll Solutions may withhold from
the employee’s check or final paycheck the cost of any items that are not returned when requested. Elite
Payroll Solutions may also take all action deemed appropriate to recover or protect its property.
Employee Signature: ___________________________________ Date: _____________________________
Witness Signature: ____________________________________ Date: _____________________________
Company Property Received By: _______________________________________ Date: ________________
Item Description
Serial / Identification Number
Computer ( ) Laptop ( ) Desktop
Wireless Card
Laptop Adapter
Laptop Carrying Case
Cell Phone
Cell Phone Accessories
Company Credit Card(s)
Company Keys
Company Gas Card(s)
Client Lists
Client Documents
Promotional Items
Company Tools
Company Vehicle Inspection

Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing it is stupid | Einstein