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Field Visit Report
A. Date & Location
Date of Visit: 21-22/01/2013
Location of Visit: New Damietta
Objectives of the field visit:
1. Needs assessment for WFP food
2. Discussion with refugees about main
protection and assistance needs
Home visits
Individual Meetings
Focus Group Discussion
B. Delegation
Mr. Wahid Benamor
Head of UNHCR Zamalek
Ms. Mirvette Abedrabbo
Community Services Officer
Ms. Marwa Mostafa
Registration Associate
Mr. Khaled Chatila
Programme Officer
I) Main Findings:
Objective 1: Needs Assessment for WFP Food Distribution:
1. Hyper market management is fine with all clauses of WFP draft contract; the Finance manager
agreed to sign the contract on Sunday 27th January at WFP office in Cairo. Hyper Finance manager
confirmed his readiness to start receiving Syrian Refugees in the store from the 1st of February
2. Five WFP checklists for the rapid assessment of food security of Syrian asylum seekers in new
Damietta have been completed during the mission. Data will be processed and results will be
shared with all concerned parties;
3. UNHCR confirmed that the list of Syrian Asylum seekers that they shared with WFP in New
Damietta is the final one.
Objective 2: Discussion with refugees about main protection and assistance needs:
Below are the results from 3 home visits, Individual Interviews and the Focus Group Discussion:
1. The number of families in New Damietta is 1200 families + 150 families in Gamasa. Out of
the 1200 families, 400 families are registered with UNHCR. Most of the Syrians who reside
in New Damietta are coming from West Ghotta in Rural Damascus.
2. In general women feel safe in Damietta and no security incidents happened so far.
However women who participated in the FGD mentioned that they prefer to go out in
groups or with their husbands in order to avoid any security incidents.
3. All the participants in the FGD mentioned that Egyptians want to get married with their

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