Daily Office Officiants Schedule for March 2016
The Seasons of Lent & Holy Week & Easter Week
Thank you all for your dedicated service in making it possible for the cathedral to continue offering the Daily Office as
part of our prayer and worship life. If you find that you cannot serve on the days assigned, please call the cathedral
office at 619.298.7261 x 325 and let Brooks Mason know.
Note: the first listed name is for Morning Prayer; the second is for Evening Prayer.
*DAILY OFFICE LECTIONARY YEAR 2 - Please record the number of attendees (including yourself) on
For Morning Prayer, use opening sentence for Lent, or for Holy Week, or Easter Season or on Major
Feast Days, for ‘All Saints and other Major Saints’ Days.’
For Morning Prayer, use Antiphons (said before and after the Invitatory) for In Lent.
From Easter until the Day of Pentecost, use the Christ Our Passover as the Invitatory (no Antiphon is
used with this Easter Canticle).
Select appropriate Canticles for Lent (BCP 144).
For The Collect of the Day, you may use Collect of the Sunday which begins the week (BCP 159 or
211) followed by one of the prayers for mission.
During Lent and Holy Week, “Alleluias” are omitted and The Confession of Sin is used daily
at both Offices and Canticles for Lent are used. During Easter through the Day of Pentecost, use
double “Alleluia.” Remember to still observe Major Feast Days (as indicated). ~Thank you!