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Toastmaster Evaluation Sheet
Hand this in just like a speaker evaluation form
©Ed Wischmeyer,
. May be reprinted only with copyright notice.
Marks: (5 = exemplary, 4 = done well,
3 = good, 2 = just okay, 1 = oops):
My name: ___________________________
Made others look good
Set an upbeat tone, all meeting long
Focused on audience, hid details
Kept own comments brief
Person arriving at lectern always
went in front of person leaving
Introduced theme of the day
Introduced GE, TT & speakers as
people, using theme of day
Easel / lectern moved unobtrusively
Led the applause
Made sure all were prepared
Dead spots in meeting
Talking about self or job as TM
What I liked: ________________________
What I suggest:______________________
Toastmaster Evaluation Sheet
Hand this in just like a speaker evaluation form
©Ed Wischmeyer,
. May be reprinted only with copyright notice.
Marks: (5 = exemplary, 4 = done well,
3 = good, 2 = just okay, 1 = oops):
My name: ___________________________
Made others look good
Set an upbeat tone, all meeting long
Focused on audience, hid details
Kept own comments brief
Person arriving at lectern always
went in front of person leaving
Introduced theme of the day
Introduced GE, TT & speakers as
people, using theme of day
Easel / lectern moved unobtrusively
Led the applause
Made sure all were prepared
Dead spots in meeting
Talking about self or job as TM
What I liked: ________________________
What I suggest:______________________

To think creatively, we must be able to look afresh at what we normally take for granted. | George Kneller