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Parenting Agreement for Two Biological and Two Nonbiological Parents
1. The purpose of this agreement is threefold. First, it protects the interests of the
child(ren) in our family by expressing our understanding of the parents’ rights and
responsibilities to our child(ren) and their agreement to provide for their upbringing and
support in the most responsible and cooperative manner possible. Additionally, we
believe that child(ren) should have free and open access to those people whom the
child(ren) identifies as her/his parents. These bonds should only be suspended or severed
if a parent proves her/himself to be unfit or abusive. Second, this agreement states that
____________________ and ____________________ are to be the biological parents of
the first child(ren) in our family and that they will have full and equal legal custody under
the laws of the State of________________________. OR [Second, to recognize that
____________________ and _______________ will be the biological parents but that
the two mothers, _______________ and _________________ intend to be the legal
parents.] Third, this agreement states that our child(ren), regardless of law, will have four
people whom they will identify as parents and who will function as parents with all rights
and responsibilities. The nonbiological parents are _______________________’s
domestic/life partner, ____________________ , and ____________________’s
domestic/life partner, ____________________ . Hereafter, the aforementioned adults
will be jointly referred to as the Parents.
2. We fully realize that our power to make this agreement may be limited by state
law. There are legal questions raised by the issues involved in this agreement that have
not been settled by statutes or prior court decisions. With this knowledge, and in a spirit
of cooperation and mutual respect, we wish to enter into this agreement.
3. ____________________ and ____________________ intend to become
biological parents together, in that ____________________ will provide his semen to
____________________ for the purpose of alternative insemination. “Child(ren)” in the
agreement applies to any child or children born as a result of said alternative
4. Our purpose and our hope is to do our best to see that our child(ren) maintains a
close and loving relationship with each of us, regardless of external demands that might

If you see a bandwagon, it’s too late. | James Goldsmith