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1. No smoking, drinking of alcoholic beverages, or taking illegal drugs on the trip at any time.
2. Be punctual for all tours, meals, etc.
3. Strict rules of moral behavior are required.
4. Curfew shall be strictly adhered to at all times.
5. Always inform a chaperone of where you are going and when you will be back.
6. Do not go out alone - always travel in groups of four or more and an adult chaperone.
7. Do not operate motorized vehicles.
8. Courtesy and honesty are expected at all times.
9. Participation on all scheduled tours is expected.
10. Leave hotel rooms clean. Do not take property from hotels.
11. Respect the people and property of the country visited. Do not make fun of others beliefs
or culture, deface or destroy property, or disrespect or disobey laws or cultures.
12. No body piercing or tattoos.
PART II (to be completed by parent(s):
I (We) have read and understand the rules and consequences for my/our child. I (We) agree to accept collect calls
made by the Chaperone regarding my/our child and agree to pay for his/her return trip if the behavior merits such
Step 1 (Minor offense)
minor offense, or
first more serious offense
Serious offense or
Third minor offense
Discussion between chaperones and student to determine reason of offense and to ensure
future respect of rules. A suitable punishment to be determined based on offense
If determined necessary by chaperones, parents will be called collect and a warning will
be given to the student that the next offense will result in a trip home at the parents'
expense. Parents will be informed of the chaperones' punishment and are expected to
pursue the issue upon student's the return.
If determined necessary by chaperones, parents will be called collect and student will be
sent home at parents' expense.
NOTE: The safety and morale of the entire group will be considered in all decisions.
PART I (to be completed by student):
I have read and understand all the rules of behavior and consequences of disobedience. I agree to follow
these rules for the duration of the trip for the safety and well being of the group.
Date: ____/_____/______
Date: ____/_____/______
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Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake. | Napoleon Bonaparte