Journal of Leadership Education Summer 2014
The Development of an Inspirational Leadership Workshop:
An Academic-Practitioner Collaboration
Dwight M. Hite, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Management
Ankur Nandedkar, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Management
Jenna Mercer
Organizational Leadership Graduate Student
School of Business, Cameron University
Lawton, OK
Warren Martin
Executive Director
General Tommy Franks Leadership Institute
Hobart, OK
Acknowledgement: The authors acknowledge the instrumental contribution of J. Beth Hinkle,
Cameron University Business Instructor, in facilitating the collaboration described herein.
All too often leadership programs are developed in relative isolation; that is, they tend to be
either academic or practitioner in nature. Arguably, much more effective leadership programs are
possible through collaboration between academics and practitioners. This application brief
describes one such successful collaboration to develop an inspirational leadership workshop
based upon the leadership experiences of retired four-star U.S. Army General Tommy Franks.
The result is an award winning leadership workshop designed for both students and
Former high-ranking military officers oftentimes continue to share their leadership
experiences after retirement through various speaking engagements and events. In addition to
such activities, retired four-star U.S. Army General Tommy Franks lends his experiences to an
“Inspired Leadership” workshop hosted by the General Tommy Franks Leadership Institute.
Early in its existence, further development of the inspirational leadership workshop was
necessary to ensure appropriate content and effective delivery for multiple audiences. In order to
further develop and enhance this workshop, the Leadership Institute partnered with faculty
DOI: 1012806/V13/I3/A1