Questions About This Form Please Call:
Information Technology Office
I.T. New Employee Checklist
Employee Information
(This form must be completed by the Supervisor and submitted to IT 48 hours prior to first day of employment. We will need 2
weeks to order new equipment. Please let me know as soon as possible if we need to order equipment.)
Name: __________________________________ Date: ______________________________
Location: __________________________________ Employee’s Phone: _________________________
Department: __________________________________ Job Title: ______________________________
Employment Status Information
Employment Status: ________ New Hire ___________ Transfer
Begin Date: _________________
(Each full-time employee will be issued a network login which includes a terrehaute.in.gov account. Work on the network may not
begin until logins have been created.)
Network IT will set up a one-time password that must be changed after the first login. New passwords must be
at least 8 characters long and include three of the following: UPPERCASE, lowercase letters, a number or a
symbol; also cannot include part of your first/last name or your last three passwords.
(Please check all equipment employee has been issued for personal use)
Need to Order New Computer: YES NO
Computer Serial Number: _______________________
Monitor Serial Number: _______________________
Key Fob ID Card
PDA Serial Number: ____________________
Laptop Serial Number: ____________________
(Please check all software needed.)
Microsoft Office Standard (includes Excel, Word, Outlook, PowerPoint)
Microsoft Office Professional (includes Excel, Word, Outlook, PowerPoint, Access and Publisher)
CUBS Data Med GIS LinkO Tele Staff Track IT Fundware PD Records/CAD
Any Drives/Folders Needed: ___________________________
Special Requirements: _________________________________________________________________________
Approved by Supervisor: _____________________________________ Date: ________________________
IT/Version 2/3/2017