University of California, Irvine Extension Page 1 of 1
Sample Resume Summaries
Sample 1: Career Summary
Career Summary: Marketing and Sales executive with eight years’ experience in brand management,
consumer loyalty program development and development of associates. Strength in working with
diverse groups to achieve company objectives. Most recent experience involved the development and
implementation of a global campaign.
Sample 2: Career Summary (Bulleted)
Career Summary: Creative Marketing and Sales professional with over eight years’ experience in Brand
and Consumer marketing.
• Developer of creative and measurable consumer programs for several key brands.
• Excellent communicator and trainer in brand and customer marketing portfolios.
Sample 3: Career Summary with an Objective
Objective: Position as a Marketing Manager requiring an excellent communicator and creative brand
management skills.
Career Summary: (choice of either version)
Should I use an objective?
Some say yes, some no. It may be redundant as you’re
applying for the position, but it may be helpful if you’re
entering a new career field.