Event Overview
A Human Library will be held at the library. During this event patrons will be able to “borrow” Human
Books to have an informal conversation. The event is an opportunity for individuals to connect with people
they would not normally have the occasion to speak to within their community, to better understand the life
experiences of others and to challenge their own assumptions, prejudices and stereotypes.
The Human Books participating at the event will be volunteers who have self-identied as a “title” based
on their race, age, gender, religion, sexual orientation, economic status, ability/disability, or by a particular
life experience (for example, “Living with HIV”). It is important that Human Books be individuals who can
communicate clearly and feel comfortable sharing their experiences with strangers.
This event can help to increase the visibility of the library, strengthen library partnerships with other
organizations in the community, and help the library become a community leader in addressing diversity
Organizational and promotional support is provided by the Ontario Library Association’s “Check Out a
Human Book @ Your Library” online toolkit.
Background Information
The Human Library concept came from Europe where it was known as the Living Library. It was developed
by a Danish youth non-governmental organization called Stop the Violence in an eort to counter violence
based on discrimination. The success of the concept has led to endorsement by the Nordic Minister Council,
the Council of Europe, and the Australian Department of Immigration and Citizenship. Human library events
have been held in countries in Western and Eastern Europe, Japan, New Zealand, Australia, and the United
States. In Canada, Human Library events have been held at Calgary Public Library, the University of Guelph,
and at Moscrop Secondary School in Burnaby, B.C. More information about the origins of the Human Library
and its spread around the world is available at www.humanlibrary.org and http://humanlibraries.org.au/
Goals & Objectives of Event
Goal # 1: To increase dialogue, reduce prejudices, and encourage understanding of one another among
diverse members of our community.
Objective 1.1: To provide an opportunity for members of the community to share their life experiences
with strangers in a face-to-face question and answer situation.
Goal #2: To strengthen library relationships with other organizations in the community.
Objective 2.1: To collaborate with organizations that represent or serve dierent groups in the
community in a library event.
Event Proposal