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This report should be used to give a daily detailed account of all activities occurring
during the life of the project. A minimum of one report should be completed for each day,
beginning with the date work begins and carried to the date that the project is completed and
accepted, whether or not work is performed on the project. Additional reports should be
used as necessary to report the various operations that are performed on the project, such as
night operations and/or multiple shift work. The construction technician acting as the Lead
Project Inspector and each technician inspecting a specific Contractor operation should fill
out and turn in a daily report.
These original reports should be included as part of the Project Diary. For this
reason, the information should be legible and written either with ink or lead pencil, hard
enough to prevent smearing, but dark enough to be legible without difficulty reading. Care
should be made to provide a report that is neat, orderly, and that gives a complete account of
the daily activities. Other information needed to complete the report should include, but is
not limited to the following:
Construction Technician Inspectors:
A. Date, weather, hours worked, forces, and equipment.
B. Detailed description of operation.
C. Instructions to Contractor or Subcontractor.
D. Instructions from Resident Engineer or other NCDOT personnel.
E. Requests from Contractor and responses.
F. Detailed information concerning delays encountered.
G. Errors noted and changes needed or made.
H. Work available but not being pursued.
I. Contact with property owners.
J. Contact with utility companies.
K. Samples taken.
L. Checks made such as depth, width, correctness of cut/fill slopes, etc.
M. General comments on operations inspected.
N. Visitors and their comments.
The preceding items are given as a guide for the type of information needed and
is not intended to limit information placed in the reports. Each person writing a report
must use his/her judgment to determine what is adequate to provide a factual record of the
daily activities.
The following information should be used to complete each item on the Inspector’s
Daily Report:
1. Contract Number: This is the number assigned to the project for construction purposes.
2. T.I.P. Number or WBS Number: This is the number assigned to the project if the
project is included in the Transportation Improvement Program. This should be the first
or primary number on multi-numbered projects. If a T.I.P. number is not assigned to the
project, list the WBS Number.
3. Inspector: This is the name of the Construction Technician who inspected the
contractor’s operation and is completing the Inspector’s Daily Report.
4. Day: The day of the week should be shown in this space.
5. Date: The date for which the Inspector’s Daily Report is written should be shown in this
space. If it is a holiday, the name of the holiday should also be listed.
6. Temperature: The high and low temperatures for the 24-hour period for that day.
These may be obtained from the weather station, local paper or measured on the project.

Winners take time to relish their work, knowing that scaling the mountain is what makes the view from the top so exhilarating. | Denis Waitley