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This agreement ("Agreement") establishes an exclusive romantic relationship ("Relationship")
between the following undersigned parties:
Marijke Jean Dixon
Kenneth Michael Merrill
herein referred to as a “Couple” and is set forth this 14th of June, 2013 for a period of 735 days.
Ratification of this document by K5M Shareholders will serve as an amendment to any previous
shareholder agreements. The undersigned parties hereby agree to the following provisions as
conditions of the Relationship:
Section I: Partnership Outline
1.1 The Couple will at all times faithfully, industriously, and to the best of their skill, ability,
experience and talents, perform all of the duties required as an active participant in the
1.2 The Couple agrees to consider renewal/renegotiation upon the completion of the contract terms.
1.3 Girlfriend will take on the position of Vice President of Research & Development for KmikeyM
(per Shareholder Question #42: “K5M Research Lab”). The result of R&D activity will be documented
and shared with Shareholders. Research and Development projects will be authored by both
Girlfriend and KmikeyM.
1.3.1 VP of R&D will publicly share progress quarterly.
1.3.2 R&D budget requests over $300 must be approved by Shareholders.
1.3.3 VP of R&D will be compensated in shares for any new ventures that become profitable
or result in major media attention.
Section II: Privacy and Confidentiality
2.1 The Couple shall not, except in the proper course of their duties during the continuance of the
Relationship or after its termination, disclose to any other person, or make use of for their own
benefit, any secret or confidential information relating to the Relationship or any associated business
or projects, or any client, finances, activities, processes or methods of research, systems processes,
trade secrets, customers, prospective customers or any other confidential or secret information of the
Relationship or any such associated company or client which shall come to your knowledge during
the Relationship.
2.2 The Couple will make available their geolocation (via the “Find My Friends” iPhone application,
or similar technology) at all times, excepting instances in which revealing their location would
compromise a pleasant surprise intended for the other party or would put either party at risk.

Long–range planning works best in the short term. | Doug Evelyn