Post-Event Summary Report
Name of Event: 2005 Delaware Governor’s Conference on Aging
Date of Event: May 25, 2005
Location of Event: Dover, Delaware
Number of Persons Attending: 200
Sponsoring Organization(s): Delaware Division of Services for Aging and Adults with Physical
Contact Name:
Melissa Hinton
Telephone Number: 302-255-9390 E-mail: Melissa.Hinton@state.de.us
Conference Summary
On May 25th, the Division of Services for Aging and Adults with Physical Disabilities
(DSAAPD) sponsored the 2005 Delaware Governor’s Conference on Aging, which focused on
preparing for the aging of the baby boom population. The Conference was open to the public and
approximately 200 people were in attendance. During the conference, attendees shared opinions,
thoughts and suggestions for consideration during the upcoming White House Conference on
Aging in Washington.
DSAAPD Director, Allan Zaback; Delaware Health and Social Services Secretary, Vincent
Meconi; and Governor Ruth Ann Minner were on hand to open the conference. Governor Minner
officially proclaimed May as Older Americans Month in Delaware and also honored Delaware's
oldest citizens--our centenarians.
The keynote speaker was Joanna L. Sampson, Special Assistant and Counselor to Secretary for
Aging Josefina G. Carbonell. Ms. Sampson spoke about a variety of issues impacting older
persons as well as national-level initiatives designed to address these issues.
During the day, conference participants had the opportunity to choose among various sessions to
discuss topics and develop recommendations. Topics included: Financial Literacy; End of Life;
Built Environment; Ageism; Community/Religious Group Roles; Senior Centers for the Next
Generation; Access to Services; and Shortage of Workers. Sessions lasted 90 minutes. At the
beginning of each session, participants were presented with background information and
discussion questions. Then, following a structured process of brainstorming and information
exchange, participants in the sessions reached consensus on two recommendations and discussed
related barriers and solutions.
At the conclusion of the conference, the recommendations developed during the eight sessions
were presented to the entire group in attendance.
Delaware Division of Services for Aging and Adults with Physical Disabilities 302-255-9390