M. M. A. Degree Progress Report
Class Entering 2015
This form should be updated and discussed with your Faculty Advisor every quarter before enrolling in
courses. Following your Faculty Advisor’s approval submit a copy to the Graduate Program Advisor.
Student name____________________________________________
Student I.D. number__________________ Faculty Advisor______________________________
Additional Certificate programs or joint degree programs __________________________________
Anticipated graduation quarter/year_________/___________
Track (to be determined by 8
week of spring quarter, 1
year) ____Thesis track ____Capstone
____Classes Only
Thesis Track: Date
Faculty advisor chosen and agreed ________
Prospectus submitted and approved ________
Committee submitted and approved ________
Human Subjects Review approved (if needed) ________
Professional Track:
Faculty advisor chosen and agreed ________
Capstone proposal approved ________
Classes only track approved ________
I. Core Curriculum (Approximately 29 credits)
Course # Qtr/Yr # Credits Waived*
Human Dimensions of Global Change (3) SMEA 500 AUT 2015 ________
Integrated Marine Affairs Practice (3) SMEA 501 WIN 2016 ________
Marine Policy Action Taking (3) SMEA 502 SPR 2016 ________
Marine Law (3)
SMEA 506 or 515 or 550 _________ _________ ________
Policy Analysis (3)
SMEA 519 _________ _________ ________
Economics (3)
FISH 561, SMEA 530 _________ _________ ________ Yes No
Policy Processes (3)
SMEA 507 or 521 _________ _________ ________
Marine Science (3)
SMEA 591 or SMEA 510 w/waiver __________ _________ ________ Yes No
Research Skills (Quantitative) (3)
QSCI 381, STAT 311, or CSSS 321 __________ _________ ________ Yes No
One additional course for thesis track (3) __________ _________ ________
Marine Affairs Advising (2)
SMEA 600 B WIN 2016 ________
SMEA 600 B SPR 2016 ________
Total number of core credits: ________
* Documentation must be in student file for waiver