Expand upon your resume; do not repeat it verbam.
Include the person’s full name if you do not know the gender.
Limit the leer to 3-4 paragraphs and 1 page.
Use standard business leer format.
Do not copy exact words/phrases from sample leers.
Conrm that you’ve included the correct company name
and contact informaon.
Be enthusiasc. Show o your personality!
Tells the employer the type of posion to which you are applying.
Provides a bridge between your resume and the job descripon.
Gives you an opportunity to impress.
Cover leers can vary in format and purpose. They depend on the employer, the
posion, and your specic qualicaons. You should
for each posion to which you apply.
123 Campus Road
Ithaca, NY 14853
October 5, 20xx
Mr. or Ms. (insert last name), Position Title (e.g. Human Resources Director)
Company Name
123 Addison St.
San Francisco, CA 94115
(If you don’t have the name of a contact, address the letter to “Dear Hiring Manager” or “Dear Human
Resources Director.” If there are multiple locations and/or the location is not included in the position
description, you don’t have to include the company address.)
Dear Mr. or Ms. (insert last name):
I am writing to apply for the Deloitte Human Capital (DHC) Change Management Consultant position. At the
Cornell University Engineering Career Fair, I spoke with Joe Recruitman about opportunities to apply my skills
to a wide variety of issues, industries, and projects at the DHC consulting practice. In 20xx, I was able to
confirm my interest in this field as a participant in the Deloitte Consulting Summer Experience Program. I am
impressed by Deloitte’s balance between global and local issues, from the overall economy to the employees
who comprise each company. I believe that my background, skills, and talents would make me a strong
addition to Deloitte’s Human Capital consulting practice.
I offer extensive work and classroom-based experience in change management. As a Summer Analyst at
Goldman Sachs, I worked with two groups within the Analytics function. During my time there, I used
Microsoft Excel to collaborate with colleagues in the technology division to help develop and test a new
delivery metrics system. Throughout this experience, I was able to learn more about methods of needs
assessment, theories guiding change management, and the analytical effort behind this work.
In addition, my coursework in Operations Research and Engineering at Cornell University has
provided learning opportunities focused on organizational change and efficiency. In my Organizational
Consulting course, a focus on change management was coupled with a consulting project for an external client.
Our strategic consulting process resulted in savings of nearly 20%.
I believe my understanding of data compilation and statistical analysis demonstrates my qualifications for a
position as a Change Management Consultant at Deloitte. I welcome the opportunity to discuss my
background for this position at your convenience. I can be reached by phone at (987) 555-1234 or any time by
email at xyz123@cornell.edu. Thank you, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Mike Student
Idenfy the posion you are
applying for, how you learned of this posion,
and why you are interested in applying.
Answer the quesons:
Why is this posion right for me? Why do I want
to work for this specic organizaon?
Sell yourself. Indicate
that you understand the posion requirements
and illustrate that you possess the skills required
to add value in this role. Expand upon, but do not
repeat your resume. Elaborate on specic,
concrete experiences which prove you have
mastered job-relevant skills. Answer the
queson: Why am I right for this posion?
Summarize your qualicaons for the
posion, and outline the opons for the recruiter
to contact you. Include your contact informaon
— both cell phone and email. Say thank you!
Answer the queson:
Does the recruiter know my contact informaon
and the type of posion I am seeking?