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Agenda for the Classroom Educator Course
Introduction to the Orton-Gillingham Approach
Introduction to dyslexia
The dyslexic learner
Characteristics of dyslexia
Neurology of the brain
The Orton-Gillingham Approach
Who are Orton-Gillingham
Multi-sensory: Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic, Tactile
Presented through: Card Drills, Spelling, Writing, Reading
The General Emergence of Phonological Awareness in the Child
Introduction to Basic Language Terminology
Introduction to Language
Vowels and Consonants
Vowels have three sounds, long, short, schwa, voiced
Vowel teams, r-control vowels
Consonants usually have one sound, voiced and unvoiced
Consonant blends vs consonant digraphs
Introduction to the Six Types of Syllables
Vowel Team
Magic e
R control
Consonant le
Introduction to the Orton-Gillingham Lesson Plan
Visual Drill
Auditory Drill
Blending Drill
Spelling, Dictation
New Concept

Saying no to loud people gives you the resources to say yes to important opportunities. | Seth Godin