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120 Day Action Plan
Now that you’ve completed the Productivity Assessment Tool, it’s time to put your results to use.
The 120 day action plan allows you to get started on your road to improvement.
Identifying actions will help you to map your productivity plan while the objectives, participants
and resources will ensure that you’re able to stay on track.
-Identify others to complete -Looking for alignment -Management teams
the tool and common purpose
0 - 30 days -Define mutual company goals
and strategies
-Assign team leads
-Team leads develop project -Put a go forward plan -Management team
plans into place that is
achievable -Team leads
30 - 60 days -Define performance goals
-Develop communication plan
for staff
-Communicate plan to -Open communication -Key staff from
organization within staff networks organization - cross
functional teams
60 - 90 days -Connect plans to operational
teams -Management teams
-Check in on achievements to -Keep the projects on -Management team and
date and talk next steps - this track team leads
is ongoing!
90 - 120 days
-Build next 120 day plan
Time Frame Action Items Objective Participants & Resources

Even if you are on the right track, You’ll get run over if you just sit there. | Will Rogers