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Scenic Heights PTA Event Report & Evaluation
Even if you are continuing on as chairperson we would appreciate you filling this out
when your event is done or at the end of the school year. This will help in the future to
see what it takes to plan and carry out your event. Below are some suggestions of the
type of information that might be included. Please feel free to add any other information
that would be helpful. You may also use your own format to provide this information.
Thank you very much for taking the time to complete this and for volunteering. You
have made a big difference at Scenic Heights.
Name of Committee: _______________________________________________
Chairperson(s): ___________________________________________________
Brief description of committee: _______________________________________
Approximate number of volunteer hours: _______________________________
Approximate number of volunteers used: _______________________________
Outline how you organized your event/committee, by month if possible: ______
List meetings attended – when, where and length of meetings: _______________
Recommendations, suggestions, comments, what worked well and what didn’t, etc.
Businesses that donated items and what they donated, contact information, etc.

Ideas in secret die. They need light and air or they starve to death. | Seth Godin