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The following is a format for postgraduate quarterly progress reports for postgraduate
students undertaking the programme by thesis. A completed report should be sent to
the Director, BPS through Chairman and Dean/Director with a copy to the Principal of
the respective College.
Name of Student _________________________ Reg. No. _____________________
Programme ___________________________________________________________
Department __________________________________________________________
Faculty/School/Institute _________________________________________________
Date of Registration ____________________________________________________
Proposed date of completion _____________________________________________
Title of Project/Thesis __________________________________________________
Where project is being conducted _________________________________________
Supervisors: Name Department
1. ________________________ _____________________
2. ________________________ _____________________
3. ________________________ _____________________
1) Short introduction and objectives
Student to provide a brief statement and the objectives of the study.
2) Accomplished work for specified period: From ( ) To ( )
State your actual progress in comparison to the planned progress. (Gantt

I don’t pay good wages because I have a lot of money; I have a lot of money because I pay good wages. | Robert Bosch