HTML Preview Internship Final Report page number 1.

Name of Student: UIN: Date:
List courses that helped
prepare you for the internship
(these may include courses
outside of English):
Internship Firm:
Internship Semester/Year:
List any courses you
wish you had taken
prior to the internship
(explain why):
Upload completed Internship Final Report to the "Assignment Tab" for this course in eCampus.
Deadline to submit: Two (2) days before final grade is due.
Supervisor Name: Supervisor Email:
Is this person different from
the firm contact given on
your internship application?
If yes, please explain why.
Assessment of Supervision
100% Confidential)
Did you receive the training needed to successfully complete this internship?
Were you given regular feedback, guidance and support?
Did you receive the tools to do the job: desk, computer, chair, etc.?
Did you know who to go to for help or if there was a problem?
Did you know who, how, and when to notify someone when you would be absent?
Were you given a tour of the organization?

The trick is in what one emphasizes. We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same. – | Carlos Castaneda