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Quality Audit Summary Report Template
This QA Summary report template can be used at various stages of the development or design process. It should
demonstrate what considerations have been given to the design aspects of Designing Streets and provide an audit trail.
Summaries of checks against each aspect of design should be added at each stage as far as possible, although street
detail matters may not be auditable until later stages. Other specialist technical reports, if required, by a project, should
be appended.
Project Name/Site
Local Authority Area
Step A - Plan in Context
Paste in a layout of the proposal showing its extents and the primary routes through. A plan should use the same base as
used in the street analysis tool (under development) that uses B-Plan technique.
Outline the main features of the proposal appropriate to the audit at each stage.
For street structure, in particular, the connections to existing street networks to accommodate future adaptation.
For street layout or detail (more for later stages) append site sections and detailed layouts for main junctions or spaces as
Distinctive Safe and
Easy to move
Welcoming Adaptable Resource

The new source of power is not money in the hands of a few, but information in the hands of many. | John Naisbitt