The European Robotics Forum is supported by the euRobotics Coordination Action, funded by the
European Commission within the 7th Framework Programme (FP7-ICT-244852; 01/2010 – 12/2012)
Application Form /
Session Title:
Entrepreneurship Workshop
Time of workshop:
2 hour coaching session on Monday 5
March morning (closed session, only for
Entrepreneurs Teams) plus 1’5 hour presentation and judging open session in the afternoon
(plus award at dinner)
Thilo Zimmerman, GPS, zimmermann@gps-stuttgart.de
Geoff Pegman, R U Robots, geoff.pegman@rurobots.co.uk
Motivation and objective:
The objective of the workshop is to encourage the wider of acceptance of entrepreneurship
in your robotics researchers by providing Entrepreneurial coaching to several teams who
themselves have ideas for developing robotics products or services.
The first coaching session, which is closed and only the selected Entrepreneurs Teams will
participate, will go through the basis of a business case and prompt the teams to develop
their ideas and methods of concise explanation. Each team will give a short presentation of
their product or service and will then be questioned by entrepreneurs or potential investors.
They will have to make the case for investment of a particular amount of money and say
how much stake in the Company they are prepared to trade. The winning team will be the
one with the most convincing case for receiving the investment they are looking for.
Agenda of the workshop:
The Coaching sessions will cover the normal aspects of making a business case (including
the USP of the product or service, the market, the competitors, the team and the financials)
with the last part being about making convincing presentations. Each team will be provided
with one dedicated coach (or the coaches may rotate but there will always be one coach per
team). The number of teams will be restricted to a maximum of 6. The presentation session
will see each team presenting for 5-10 minutes before being questioned by the panel.
• Renaud Champion, founder of PRIMNEXT, specialized in the sourcing and
valuation of robotics companies and also co-founder and partner of the first venture
capital fund fully dedicated to service robotics in Europe, ROBOLUTION Capital.
• Nicola Tomatis, CEO of BlueBotics SA and Executive Board member of EUROP.
• Rune Larsen, Head of Business Development at the Danish Technological Institute,
Centre for Robot Technology.
• Jose Luis Elejalde, Tecnalia Ventures.
• Lennart Karlsson, Robotdalen.
• David Bisset, iTechnicLtd.
How can participants contribute to, and prepare for, the workshop?
The participants are expected to have already developed an idea for a product or service
and done some background work in researching the marketplace in which it could be
exploited. Entries are expected to be small teams but, exceptionally, could be individuals.