S:\Business Services Procedures and Forms\Business Services Procedures Guidebook\Travel Procedures\Traveling WITH Students\Travel Plan and
Budget Planning Check Off List.doc
Travel and Budget Plan
• Purpose?
Identify the purpose of the trip (to attend a conference, parade, etc.)
• Where? (location?)
Identify the destiny (are there side trips involved, if so, describe in detail)
• Curricular (GF) or Extra-Curricular (ASB)
Is Board Approval Required?
• If so, this needs to be done BEFORE the trip is approved and BEFORE
any fundraising for the trip is approved.
• When?
What are the specific travel dates between each destiny?
What time of day will they depart and return? (needed to determine the meal
• Who? (Who are the authorized and unauthorized travelers?)
• Name of the person responsible for the trip? (must be a school employee)
• Names of additional authorized chaperones? (be specific)
• Background Checks completed?
• Bus Driver(s)
• How many bus drivers will be necessary?
• What bus driver expenses will be paid for? (hotel, meals, activities?)
• Names of the authorized students taking this trip?
Others attending?
• Any one else going that is not identified above (adults or extended family
• If so, who, why and how are their expenses getting paid for? (must be
• Note: Unless pre-approval is obtained, travel expenses for
unauthorized attendees are not to be charged to the school district.
• Will any of these individuals have access to students?
o If so, have they had background checks?
• How?
Travel Expenses of authorized travelers (Bus, car, taxi, airplane, etc.?)
Who is responsible for making and confirming these arrangements?
Shuttle or Car Rental (cannot be used for personal purposes)
Is there any reimbursable mileage involved?
Ferry tickets needed
Parking allocation needed?
Anything else required.