HTML Preview Class Or Workshop Proposal page number 1.

AE 1 Rev. 8/08
757 South Brook Street
Louisville, KY 40203
Phone 502 583-5559 Fax 502 583-8020
Class or Workshop Proposal Form
Please submit this form and a class syllabus to the Adult Education Coordinator 3 months prior to your start date.
Name Email Address
Class/Workshop Title
Date Preferred Time Preferred Session Length # of Sessions
Daytime Phone Evening Phone Cell Phone
Street Address City State Zip Code
Qualifications to Facilitate
Class Description
Book(s) Required
Books are to be ordered through Unity of Louisville Bookstore by the Adult Education Coordinator one month prior to class/workshop start date.
Book Title Author ISBN Number
Equipment/Needs Required
Sign Up Sheet Childcare Tables Flip Chart Microphone Sound System TV DVD VCR
CD/Cassette Player Power point Seating: Theatre Lecture Circle Dual Arc Volunteer: Yes #________
*Diagrams on Back
Other (specify)___________________________________
Class Fees
Suggested Love offering Basis Yes No $ Value If no, what fee $ Scholarship: Yes No
You will receive notification of your approval or recommendation along with a packet of information and the necessary forms for your class. The packet includes:
class roster, evaluations, opening and closing procedures. Please set an appointment with church administrator to obtain keys a week Prior to your first class.
Class payments are issued to the Facilitator the first week of each month. Payments are based on a 50/50 split of the love
offering or fee for the previous month. Other terms negotiated _____________________________________________________
Signature Date
Adult Education Coordinator
Senior Minister
Office Use Only
Classroom 1 Classroom 2 Classroom 3 Classroom 4 Classroom 5 Chapel Sanctuary Activities Center
W9 Completed Y N mailed _________________________

Those who say it can not be done, should not interrupt those doing it. | Chinese Proverb