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Assessment #3: Lesson Plan and Teaching Demonstration
1. The measurement of a candidate’s ability to plan instruction is assessed in the
coursework and experiences of ED 4322: Teaching Techniques in the Secondary
School. Candidates complete a series of assignments designed to illustrate,
develop, and implement plans for the delivery of instruction appropriate to
secondary education content. Technology is used in the planning process with
formats from Lesson Builder and TaskStream. Candidates also complete
demonstration teaching with their peers.
Lesson Builder allows candidates to follow a flow chart to develop lessons. Each
lesson has three parts: Basic Information, Standards and Objectives, and
Individual Plans for Instruction. The candidate follows a step-by-step process to
plan lessons. The section on Basic Information includes subject and grade level,
timeframe for the unit, unit title, lesson summaries, and notes related to the
planning process. Part two of the plan focuses on Standards and Objectives and
includes Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) appropriate to subject
and grade level, student learning objectives for the unit lessons, and description
of instructional resources and materials. Part three addresses individual lessons
and follows a format of introductory focus activity as well as procedures for
presentation of the lesson, including student assessment, closure, assignments
for students, and accommodations for differentiated instruction. Additionally, the
technology platform TaskStream provides another format for the development of
instructional units and lessons. Candidates are required to subscribe to
TaskStream and to utilize its format and resources. The structural format for
lesson development using TaskStream is similar to that of Lesson Builder.
Lesson plans and demonstration teaching are assessed with two rubrics, one to
evaluate written units and lessons and one to evaluate demonstration teaching.
The data generated from these experiences measure candidate proficiency in
planning instruction. Examples of the rubrics are attached. Categories of
evaluation are Exceeds Expectations, Satisfactory, Needs Improvement, and
Unsatisfactory. Candidates must score at the “Satisfactory” level to demonstrate
competence in planning instruction.

Beware of any enterprise requiring new clothes. | Henry Thoreau