DRAFT House Party Agenda 9-30-2011
Introductions (5 minutes – Chuck leads)
1. STEP-UP staff
2. Hosts
3. Attendees: who they are, where they live, why they’re attending (what they hope to learn), stage
they’re at in the STEP-UP process
Join (20 minutes – Chuck leads)
1. What STEP-UP is: a little program history
2. Why join STEP-UP: bills, comfort, environment, civic reasons. Let’s ask them why!
3. Who else has joined & where are they in the process: numbers to date from the neighborhood
4. How: Participation Agreement
5. Obligations
a. Audit
b. Information sharing – energy data, program surveys, behavior surveys
6. Benefits
a. Introducing the Energy Coach – one of the big benefits of joining
b. Other information / guidance
c. Financial incentive(s)
d. Additional quality oversight
Assess (45 minutes – Suzanne leads, Dave for item 7&8)
1. Why have an audit – what is it, what does it tell me
2. What is involved in an audit – building systems and audit basics
a. Building science basics: air movement, thermal envelope, HVAC, health and safety
b. Audit basics – what’s reviewed, diagnostic tests performed
c. Demonstration - blower door, infrared camera
d. Walk-through: air leakage, HVAC equipment to be tested
3. What are the outcome of an audit:
a. Common findings and recommendations
b. Audit report
4. How do I choose an auditor
Improve (15 minutes – Suzanne leads)
5. Contractor selection process
a. Obtain contractor proposals – contractor sheet
b. Enter into contract
6. Apply for incentives and financing – financing and incentives sheets