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DRAFT House Party Agenda 9-30-2011
Introductions (5 minutes Chuck leads)
1. STEP-UP staff
2. Hosts
3. Attendees: who they are, where they live, why they’re attending (what they hope to learn), stage
they’re at in the STEP-UP process
Join (20 minutes Chuck leads)
1. What STEP-UP is: a little program history
2. Why join STEP-UP: bills, comfort, environment, civic reasons. Lets ask them why!
3. Who else has joined & where are they in the process: numbers to date from the neighborhood
4. How: Participation Agreement
5. Obligations
a. Audit
b. Information sharing energy data, program surveys, behavior surveys
6. Benefits
a. Introducing the Energy Coach one of the big benefits of joining
b. Other information / guidance
c. Financial incentive(s)
d. Additional quality oversight
Assess (45 minutes Suzanne leads, Dave for item 7&8)
1. Why have an audit what is it, what does it tell me
2. What is involved in an audit building systems and audit basics
a. Building science basics: air movement, thermal envelope, HVAC, health and safety
b. Audit basics what’s reviewed, diagnostic tests performed
c. Demonstration - blower door, infrared camera
d. Walk-through: air leakage, HVAC equipment to be tested
3. What are the outcome of an audit:
a. Common findings and recommendations
b. Audit report
4. How do I choose an auditor
Improve (15 minutes Suzanne leads)
5. Contractor selection process
a. Obtain contractor proposals contractor sheet
b. Enter into contract
6. Apply for incentives and financing financing and incentives sheets

Even if you are on the right track, You’ll get run over if you just sit there. | Will Rogers