HTML Preview Risk Workshop Agenda page number 1.

Operational Risk Workshop Agenda
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
2015 Kansas City USAS Convention
Introduction of Committee Members Mary Jo
Overview of Agenda Mary Jo
Facilities Overview John Kline/Sandi Blumit
o 1
Responder Responsibility
o Pool/Facility Design
o Environmental Concerns
o Chain of Command
o Appendix
o Aquatic Safety Equipment
o Facility Walk Through Evaluation
o Referees Safety Checklist
o Insurance Issues
Coach Certification/On Deck Issues Lynne and Chuck
Concussion Starre Haney
o Sports Medicine Recommendations handout
o What you may see at pool handout
o Summary State Laws on Concussion - handout
Draft Hypoxic Blackout Recommendations Starre, Mike, Alan
o Bob Bowman Video
o Discuss Recommendations
Joint Statement of ARC, Y and USA-S Connie, Mike and Mary Jo
o Why Change Name
o Hypoxic Blackout Handouts
Insurance Issues Sandi Blumit and George Ward
o Insurance is a benefit of membership
o Organizational Membership (ex: Coach Owned Club with Separate Booster Club)
o Optional Insurance Issues Non-USA Swimming programs
Learn to Swim Insurance
Instructor Insurance

The worst part of success is to try to find someone who is happy for you. | Bette Midler