Junior Accountant Job Application Letter
855 Timber Sq | Energy, IL 87233 |(004) 222-1111 | micheal @ email . com
December 9, 2014
Mr. Fredrick Jackson
HR Manager
IMV Associates
822 Mercury Lane
Energy, IL 87233
Dear Mr. Jackson
Having recently completed my associate degree in accounting, I am quite excited to see
your job posting in Illinois Times. With this application, I formally apply for the advertised
junior accountant position at IMV.
Some key features of my profile include:
• Excellent computer and organization skills coupled with a good numerical aptitude
• Knowledge of financial and commission statement formats
• Trained in bank account reconciliations and investment accounting procedures
• Adept at conducting accounts related journal entries
• Thorough knowledge of accounting standards and concepts
My detailed resume is also enclosed for your view.
My expertise in developing accurate and well formatted financial reports has always been
commended by my professors and I look forward to work with same zeal and passion
when I join IMV.
I am quite interested in the position and eager to learn more about your expectations of the
role. Kindly communicate a convenient time and date for interview at (005) 333-2222. I am
available when you are. Thank you for your time and consideration
Richard Mason
Encl. Resume