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Sample Resume Graphic Design
Connie Comdes
PO Box 1324
Prahran, Victoria 3181
0425 678 910
Feb 2013 - current
Bachelor of Design (Visual Communication)
Monash University, Caulfield
Expected completion Nov 2015 with Distinction average
Professional Development
August 2012
Spit & Polish: Dreamjob 101
AGDA (Australian Graphic Design Association)
Presented by Glen Crawforth (Design Director, Elmwood)
Topics included: role of packaging design, creating packaging to a brief and bringing brands to life
Design Experience
March 2012 - present
Freelance Graphic Designer
little-red-wagon design, Prahran
Freelance and contracting graphic design work including for the notforprofit sector specialising in dm, corporate
identity, promotional material, print design, contracts including for the following:
The Zaryab Ensemble “sufi duende” concert all promotional materials including cd packaging, booklet, posters,
“...why not this + associates...” corporate identity
Derivatives Legal including corporate identity and website
Ow Bar, New York including posters, press ads, brochures, leaflets
corporate identity including logo, business cards and web graphics for Debbie Bryden Interior Design
Customer Service Experience
2010 present
Sales Assistant
Eckersleys Art & Craft Materials, Prahran
Customer service advising regarding appropriate materials for various creative projects
Visual merchandising
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Saying no to loud people gives you the resources to say yes to important opportunities. | Seth Godin