Budget Planner
Use the form below to make a list of all your regular income and all of your outgoings and expenses.
Add each list up and minus the Total Outgoings from your Total Income.
The amount you are left with is what you can afford to spend on other things.
(You can work this out either weekly or monthly depending on how you receive your income, but don’t forget to
budget for things like your car tax and insurance even if you pay for them annually.)
Work - (You) £ ____________
Work - (Your Partner) £ _____________
Pension - (You) £ _____________
Pension - (Your Partner) £ _____________
Benefits £ _____________
Child Maintenance £ _____________
Other £ _____________
Rent and Rates £ ____________
Electricity £ _____________
Gas/Oil £ _____________
Coal £ _____________
Food £ _____________
Telephone (Inc. Mobiles) £ _____________
Petrol £ _____________
TV License £ _____________
Household Insurance £ _____________
Car Insurance £ _____________
Car Loan £ _____________
Other Loans £ _____________
Hire Purchase Payments £ _____________
Childcare £ _____________
Other £ _____________
………………………………………………………………… £ _____________
Total Outgoings £ _____________
Total Income £ _____________
Total Outgoings £ _____________