HTML Preview Receipt Application Acknowledgement Letter page number 1.

Schools and Libraries Program - Correspondence Unit
30 Lanidex Plaza West, PO Box 685, Parsippany, NJ 07054-0685
Visit us online at:
Schools and Libraries Program
(Funding Year YYYY: 07/01/YYYY 06/30/YYYY)
Date xx, xxxx
Contact Person’s Name
Applicant Name
Contact Address
Contact Address Line 2
Contact City, State and Zip
Re: Form 471 Application Number:
Funding Year YYYY: 07/01/YYYY - 06/30/YYYY
Applicant's Form Identifier:
Billed Entity Number:
Your certified FCC Form 471, “Services Ordered and Certification Form,” requested $<xx,xxxx,xxx.xx>
in total Schools and Libraries Program (Program) pre-discount costs for services. A copy of this
information has been provided to the service provider(s) whose Service Provider Identification
Number(s) (SPIN) is featured on this FCC Form 471.
USAC provides a separate FCC Form 471 Receipt Acknowledgment Letter (RAL) with a RAL Funding
Requests Report (Report) for each application certified within the application window. The Report
summarizes the information provided to USAC. A space is provided for you to make allowable
corrections to any clerical errors or errors that you realize may result in reduction or denial of
funding. USAC will perform a complete analysis before funds are committed. If additional errors are
found during our review we will attempt to contact you for clarification before making a decision
that results in denials or reductions.
Review this Report to verify that the information accurately reflects your request. If the
information is accurate, file this letter with your records.
DO NOT SEND CORRECTIONS TO THE CLIENT SERVICE BUREAU. To make corrections, please do the following:
Corrections may be made until a Funding Commitment Decision Letter for this FCC Form 471
application is issued.
If you would like to request a correction to a field that does not appear in the attached Report,
print a copy of your FCC Form 471 and clearly note your requested correction.
If contact information provided above is incorrect, note any correction above and submit a signed
copy of this page as a correction.
Indicate any corrections you wish to make in the Report in the spaces indicated.
Sign where indicated, and provide your name, title, contact information and date.
Submit a copy of your marked-up RAL to the email address, fax number or mailing address posted in
the “Ministerial & Clerical Errors” page of our website.
Retain a copy of the RAL and any submitted corrections.
This letter does NOT contain any decisions concerning your requests for discounts.
Funding requests that did not pass Minimum Processing Standards are not included in the Report
following this letter.
See “Guide to USAC Letter Reports” posted in the Reference Area of our website for a description
of each individual field in the following Report.

It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change. | Charles Darwin