HTML Preview Landlord Termination Letter Sample page number 1.

The material in this letter provides a template for a basic situation this is not legal advice. Each
individual’s situation is unique and may require more than what is provided in this template.
Speak with a licensed attorney before completing and sending this letter. It is always best to
consult with an attorney regarding your legal rights and responsibilities specific to your particular
situation before making a decision or taking action.
(1) Meet with a licensed attorney at an armed-service legal assistance office to discuss
your specific situation.
(2) Obtain a copy of your orders to deploy / PCS or a letter from your commanding
officer stating your pending deployment
(3) Replace the bolded portions in the template with the applicable information.
(4) Print and sign the letter.
(5) Attach a copy of your orders to deploy or a letter from your commanding officer
(6) Make at least one (1) copy of the letter with all attachments to keep for your own
(7) Send the original letter via certified mail return receipt requested.
(8) Retain any written response from the landlord for your own records.
(9) Follow-up with a licensed attorney at an armed-service legal assistance office to
address any concerns.

I feel that luck is preparation meeting opportunity. | Oprah Winfrey