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Job Description
Job Title: Assistant Cook
Reports to : Catering Manager
Responsible for N/A
Liaison with Other catering staff, suppliers, pupils, staff and visitors to the school.
Job Purpose To assist as directed, with all aspects of the preparation of food and beverages
to the standards required by the school.
v Liaise with the Catering Manager to ensure stock-taking, ordering and receiving of
goods and deliveries is timely and adhering to budget and policy.
v Handling of money and till operation.
v The preparation and simple cooking of food & beverages.
v Serving customers from the servery or kiosk as required.
v To undertake all aspects of cleaning equipment (light and heavy), walls (up to 6ft.)
floors, fixtures and fittings, cooking utensils, cutlery, etc. as directed.
v During service times, to ensure that tables and counters are as clean as reasonably
practicable and adequately stocked.
v To maintain a high standard of personal and general cleanliness and hygiene to
comply with statutory and school regulations.
v To attend training activities and/or meetings as required.
v Occasionally, to assist with special functions at the school which may be outside of
normal working hours.
v To report any customer comments or complaints and take any necessary remedial
action if appropriate.
v Report immediately any accidents, fire, theft, loss, damage, unfit food or other
irregularities and take such action as may be appropriate or possible.
v The duties above are neither exclusive nor exhaustive and the post holder may be
required by the Headteacher to carry out appropriate duties within the context of
the job, skills and grade.
v To participate in the performance and development review process, taking personal
responsibility for identification of learning, development and training opportunities
in discussion with line manager.
v To comply with individual responsibilities, in accordance with the role, for health &
safety in the workplace.

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