Jonathon Bray Legal Services Limited – Sophia House, 28 Cathedral Road, Cardiff CF11 9LJ
Risk Management Meeting Agenda
What is it?
This is a template standing agenda that we use in all of our Risk Management Meetings with our
COLP-help clients. We have developed this working with over 100 firms in the past five years.
It ensures that all key risk and compliance areas are given due time for discussion and action.
But even though the agenda looks long, these meetings rarely take longer than an hour.
It is vital for firms to know what is going on in the regulatory world and so regular updates and
‘what’s on the horizon’ are important discussions to have. Things change constantly!
The other key items on the agenda ensure the COLP has a broad and in-depth knowledge of the
life of the firm, and can take action accordingly.
Why do we use a standing agenda?
A comprehensive standing agenda means there is one less thing to think about. It focuses all
key individuals on ‘compliance’ on a regular basis. If people are thinking about it regularly, then
this results in ‘risk’ being continually thought about, managed and mitigated.
One of our mottos is, ‘If it is not written down, it did not happen!’. Having agendas and minutes
for every meeting means that you create an audit trail of discussions had, decision made and
action points (who needs to do what and by when).
If the SRA ever does have cause to look more closely at the firm, these documents will provide
evidence of a systematic approach to risk and compliance.
What is COLP-help?
A really simple way to outsource a significant proportion of the compliance burden, aimed at small
to medium sized firms. We use a proven 5-step strategy to ensure that your firm stays
compliant…and off the SRA’s radar.
Why outsource compliance?
Our COLP-help clients save an average of 5-10 hours per month on compliance-related tasks.
You also get the benefit of a personal risk and compliance professional, with practical legal
experience, who will make it their business to understand yours.
And with more time available to practise law, the service pays for itself!
Contact us on info@jonathonbray.com or 02920 660 160 to see how we can help.