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Admission Template Letters
This document sets out a series of template letters, specifically drafted for CST Academies.
The letters have been drafted to comply with the School Admissions Code (February 2012)
and the School Admission Appeals Code (February 2012), as well as Equality legislation.
The letters are only templates and will require significant amendment to each particular case
before use.
Rejection letter - normal admissions round and late admissions
This letter will be sent by the Local Authority. It will include reasons for the decision, that
there is a right of appeal and the process and deadline for such appeals.
Schools must not contact parents about the outcome of applications during the normal
admission round (including late applications) until after the Local Authority’s offers have been
Attached to this guidance sheet is an exemplar template provided for all CfBT schools by
CfBT Schools Trust. Schools may use this template if they currently do not have a
comprehensive policy in place or wish to refresh what they do have in place. If they wish to
keep any existing policy with this same title, the Trust requires that it is checked to ensure
that it contains all of the aspects in the following template that are shown in RED. The text
in GREEN is adaptable at the discretion of the institution to fit the local context.

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