HTML Preview Job Interview Sample page number 1.

Following is a sample interview agenda with questions to choose
from and adapt to your needs
Sample Agenda
Introductions To committee
Briefly outline the agenda for the candidate
Tour of workplace; introductions to staff
Provide an overview of position applying for
Interview Questions
Provide closing information such as timeline for decision, how the contact, if any, will be made, etc.
Sample Interview Questions
1. Ask the candidate to briefly describe their background and what attracted them to apply for the
position at ISU. Describe his/her job-related skills, qualities and strengths that make him/her the best
person for this job
Vision and Mission
2. What do you see as the major challenges currently facing [program area] and, based on the information
you have available, at ISU?
3. A common objective [of this program] is to [provide detail]. In order to achieve that objective, in a
scarce resource environment, what do you view as the most important factors and what specific
initiatives have you been involved with that demonstrate your support/ability to achieve these
4. Describe how you would go about exploring and implementing new initiatives and or new
technologies and improve the existing program and related services.
Relating past experience to the position
5. What experience do you have (1) preparing written reports, (2) making presentations (3) leading
training sessions and (4) appearing before the governing board [or similar functions/processes related
to your program], where you are currently or were previously employed?
6. This program is a self-supporting operation. What experiences have you had with developing support
and funding for large [program] initiatives? How will you seek support to move forward with large-
scale initiatives, particularly when the traditional cost recovery model (i.e. charging the client) may not
be an option?
7. Have you been responsible for [downsizing a large organization, managing an account with
discretion to establish prices/rates, developing outside funding, etc.]? How well did that
program/enterprise perform?
Client/Customer Service
8. Describe your style and philosophy on client/customer service. How would you describe your
communication style with end users? How do you view the participation of users in strategic
[program] planning for the institution? What steps would you take to facilitate a high level of customer
service in [this program area]? Were you to be selected for this position, who do you perceive your
customers would be?
9. How would you deal with criticisms that sometimes appear to reflect on [this program] but are related
to cost and service issues beyond their control?
Management Experience and Style
10. Describe a significant [related program] initiative you have undertaken recently. Tell us what you did
well. What could you have improved in your handling of the initiative and what did you learn from it?
11. Describe a difficult personnel issue and how you handled it.
12. Describe programs you’ve implemented or efforts you have made that highlight your ability to
motivate and develop employees.
13. Describe your management style and share some examples.
14. Have you had experience dealing with unionized employees and handling grievances? Have
you had experience with regulatory issues such as OSHA, FLSA, ADA?

A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him. | David Brinkley