R. Max Abbott Middle School
Weekly Agenda
Feb. 15- Feb. 19
Our school is committed to providing a safe and caring environment where teachers
will inspire students to be self-driven life-long learners, appreciate diversity, display
good character, and become responsible citizens.
The mission of MAMS is to inspire our students to improve their lives and the world
around them.
Student Holiday-Optional Teacher Workday
Feb. 23- Spring Pictures
Feb. 25- MAMS Civic Oration
Feb. 25- Progress Reports Go
Feb. 29- 7th Grade International
Program in Media Center
(Fullbright Scholars)
Mar. 1- Battle of the Books
Mar. 2- 6th Grade AIG Students
to Methodist University to tour
PA and Nursing Schools
Mar. 4- Rising 6
Assembly 9:00 to 11:00
March 22- Talent Show
March 22- ELA Benchmark??
March 23- Math Benchmark??
March 24- 7th grade field trip to
Discovery Place Charlotte
March 25- Student
Holiday/Teacher Workday
March 28-April 1 - Spring Break
April 6- End of 3
Nine Weeks
April 13- Report Cards Go Home
April 8 - 8th Grade AIG Field
Trip to Ackland Museum and CH
- Tryouts for Talent Show in Mini-theater
Jeans w/ Panther Pride Shirt
-- Tryouts for Talent Show in Mini-theater
-Spring Fundraiser Begins
-Thursday, Feb. 18 Global Studies entrance
test at TSHS from 4:00 - 7:00 pm
Saturday- Feb. 20
County Forensics
Tournament at Reid Ross Classical Middle
School, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.