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7:45 AM 7:45 AM 7:45 AM 7:45 AM
Aqua Power Aqua Express Aqua Power Aqua Express
Fitness Pool Fitness Pool (45 min) Fitness Pool
Fitness Pool (45 min)
Sharon Jen 4,18 Heather
Sharon 7, Sarah 14
Heather 11, Alysia 25
Jen 21, Olivia 28
9:00 AM 9:00 AM 9:00 AM 9:00 AM
Deep Water Aqua Power Deep Water Aqua Power
Conditioning Fitness Pool Conditioning Fitness Pool
Fitness Pool Jen 4, 18 Fitness Pool Jen 1, Bonnie 8,
Sharon Heather 11 , Alysia 25 Betsy 6, 20, 27
Sharon 15, Betsy 22,
Sharon 13 Kathy 29
9:00 AM 9:00 AM 9:00 AM 9:00 AM
Aqua lite Aqua lite Aqua lite Aqua lite
Therapy Pool Therapy Pool Therapy Pool Therapy Pool
Betsy 3, 10 Betsy Olivia
Olivia 7, Betsy14
Kathy 17, 24 Kathy 27 Kathy 21, 28
10:00 AM 10:00 AM 10:00 AM 10:00 AM
ROM Aqua lite Aqua lite ROM
Therapy Pool Therapy Pool Therapy Pool Therapy Pool
Betsy 3, 10 Betsy Betsy 6, 20, 27
Olivia 7, Betsy14
Kathy 17, 24 Olivia 13 Kathy 21, 28
12-1pm 12-1pm 11-11:45am
Masters Swim Masters Swim 4 wk Hip & Knee
Program Program Ends 4/14/2017
Greg Greg Register at Front Desk
*monthly fee *monthly fee
4:45- 5:30pm 4:45-5:40pm
Time Change Aqua Lite Aqua Power
5 - 5:55 pm Therapy Pool Fitness Pool
Aqua Power Kathy 5 Bonnie 6, 20, 27
Fitness Pool Alysia 12, 19, 26 Sharon 13
Bonnie 3, 10, 24 5:15-6:15p 5:15-6:15p
Heather 17 Warm Up Warm Up
Ellie Ellie
2 lanes 2 lanes
The number beside the instructors name dictates the day of month they are teaching, if there are no dates the instrucutor is teaching
that class all month. Instructors are subject to change! Class Descriptions on back!
Physical Therapy will be utilizing the Therapy Pool druring the following hours: Quiet Workouts Permitted!
Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
12:30 - 5:30pm 8am - 12 noon 12:30 - 5:30pm
Aqua RxEx Program utilizes the therapy pool on Mon & Wed from 2-4:30p and Tues & Thurs from 5:30-7p.
Fitness/Therapy Pool Schedule - April 2017
Augusta Health Fitness
Hip & Knee
will begin Friday,
March 24th and
Continue through
April 14th
Sessions will meet in
the therapy pool
from 11-11:45am
Please register at the
front desk.
RxEX Program
utilizes the Therapy
Pool on Mon/Wed
from 2-4:30pm and
Tues/Thurs from
Members are still
permitted to use the
pool during this time.
We just ask that
everyone be willing
to share their space.

Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. Thoughts are things! And powerful things at that, when mixed with definiteness of purpose, and burning desire, can be translated into riches. | Napoleon Hill