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UT Austin, Ofc. of the VP/CFO, ver Apr 2013 Page 1 of 2
The University of Texas at Austin
Office of the Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Main Building, Suite 102 (G4900), 471-4412
Business Contract Review Form
Contract Number:
(Ofc. VP/CFO Use)
I. Department Information
Department Name (No Acronyms):
Dept. Contact for General Questions (Name & Title):
Dept. Contract Administrator (Name & Title) (See Section VII.):
Phone #:
Phone #:
Campus Mail Code:
A PDF Scan of the agreement will be signed and emailed to the Department Contact unless otherwise requested.
Indicate # of original versions if needed (State and local government entities usually require originals.):
II. Contract Information
External Party’s(ies’) Legal Name and Physical
Is this individual an employee of a UT
component or State Agency?
Contract Start Date: End Date:
Is Contract with a foreign company, organization, government or
individual? Yes*, No
*If yes, please follow Foreign Agreements Process at
Will your Department Receive or Provide Services/Deliverables? Receive Provide (Skip Section IV.)
Maximum Contract Amount: $
Account Number or Account Group for Funds (*) #
(*) Payment from a 26 Account Contact OSP for assistance if flow through provisions (e.g. FAR clauses) are required by
the prime grant/contract
Will Contractor provide services on University owned/controlled property? Yes, No
If yes, provide the location and duration of the Contractor’s presence.
Will University provide Contractor use of any University facility/equipment? Yes, No
If yes, provide description of facility/equipment to be provided to Contractor.
If this is an amendment to an original agreement, include the
original agreement’s Contract Number (CN:) here:
III. Services and/or Deliverables
What ‘need’ or ‘benefit to the University’ justifies this contract? Summarize the reason for entering into this contract.
Provide a Synopsis of the Services and/or Deliverables to be provided by either Contractor or University.
Please check one of the following:
Department prefers to receive contract back via: PDF
Department prefers to receive contract back via: Pick Up and to be notified for Pick Up via: Email Phone Call
Department prefers to receive contract back via: Campus Mail

A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him. | David Brinkley