Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
333 Market St., Harrisburg, PA 17126-0333
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Interview/Conference Date
This form is to serve as a permanent record of an administrator’s evaluation of a teacher’s performance during a specific time
period based on specific criteria.
Directions: Examine all sources of evidence provided by the teacher and bear in mind the aspects of teaching for each of the
four categories used in this form. Refer to the rubric language, checking the appropriate aspects of teaching, and indicating
the sources of evidence used to determine the evaluation of the results in each category. Last, assign an overall evaluation of
performance, sign the form and gain the signature of the employee.
Category I: Planning and Preparation
Through their knowledge of content and pedagogy skills in planning and preparation, teachers make plans
and set goals based on the content to be learned, their knowledge of students and their instructional context. Category I reviews: Knowledge of Content and
Pedagogy, Knowledge of Students, Selecting Instructional Goals, Designing Coherent Instruction, Assessing Student Learning, Knowledge of Resources,
Materials and Technology.
Performance Demonstrates:
o In-depth and thorough knowledge of content, pedagogy and
Pa. Academic Standards
o Thorough knowledge of students and how to use this
knowledge to direct and guide instruction
o Clear and appropriate instructional goals that reflect Pa.
standards and high expectations for students
o In-depth and thorough awareness of resources, materials, or
technology available through the school or district or
professional organizations
o Appropriate instructional design in which plans for various
elements are aligned with the instructional goals and have a
recognizable sequence and required adaptations for individual
student needs
o Appropriate assessments of student learning completely
aligned to the instructional goals and adapted as needed for
Performance Demonstrates:
o Limited or partial knowledge of content, pedagogy and Pa.
Academic Standards
o Irrelevant or partial knowledge of students and how to use this
information to direct and guide instruction
o Unclear or trivial instructional goals and low expectations for
o Little or no awareness of resources, materials, and technology
available through the school or district or professional
o Inappropriate or incoherent instructional design in which plans
for elements are not aligned with the instructional goals, and
have few or inappropriate adaptations for individual student
o Inappropriate assessments of student learning not aligned to
the instructional goals nor adapted as needed for student needs.
Sources of Evidence (Check all that apply and include dates, types/titles and number)
Teacher Conferences/Interviews
Teacher Resource Documents
Information About Students
See Attachment 428 A
See Attachment 428 A
Justification for Evaluation