Sample Agenda for Chapter Installation Ceremony
Chapter Name
Date of Installation
1) Welcome Members and Guests
2) Introduction of Master of Ceremonies
3) Recognition of the Chapter and National’s Relationship
4) Recognition of the Chapter and Its Accomplishments
5) Recognition of Outgoing Board
6) Introduction of Incoming Board
7) Conflict of Interest Policy
8) Charge to the Board Members and Officers
9) Installation Oath
10) Special Recognition of New Board
11) Official Announcement of New Board
12) Charge to the Chapter Members
13) Closing
The Chapter Board installation ceremony may take many forms, depending on the Chapter, its circumstances
and its leaders. This is also a prime time for the Chapter to discuss the concepts of leadership, service and
participation in a meaningful way, and to start off new officers with a truly significant, but brief, ceremony
which not only recognizes them, but challenges them as well.
Here is a sample ceremony that can be adapted to the chapter’s needs:
1. Welcome Members and Guests – Give brief introduction of the purpose of this portion of the program. (May
consider allowing the Nominations Chair the opportunity to speak here and also introduce the Master of Ceremonies).
2. Introduction of Master of Ceremonies
The outgoing chapter president or some other designated officer may officiate, or a representative who has
distinguished him/herself with the chapter may be invited to do so. The outgoing chapter president should
introduce the individual who will conduct the ceremony.
3. Recognition of the Chapter and National’s Relationship
The Master of Ceremonies (MC) thanks the group for being asked to be part of this most important occasion
with a theme of “together everyone accomplishes more.” (Or a theme the chapter chooses).
Mission and Vision of CMSA and the Chapter Statement (located on Page 3 of this document).
Discuss some of the new activities and programs provided by National.
Briefly discuss the National Office’s relationship to the local chapter.
4. Recognition of Chapter and Its Accomplishments
Emphasize the importance of the local chapter.
Mention current and upcoming events in the chapter.
Note the accomplishments of the chapter and summarize achieved goals.
Instill a sense of pride within the leaders and members.
5. Recognition of Outgoing Chapter Officers
Each outgoing officer is introduced with a statement of appreciation. The officers are officially dismissed. A
call for applause concludes this section of the ceremony.