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Medihelp is an authorised financial services provider
Administered by Strata Healthcare Management (Pty) Ltd (Reg no 2003/008154/07)
proof of monthly income
Enquiries: 086 0100 678
Fax: 012 336 9532
Postal address: PO Box 26004, ARCADIA, 0007
Medihelp has a responsibility to all members of our income-based benefit options to ensure that these options
remain viable. This is why you must provide Medihelp with acceptable proof of income to ensure that you pay
subscriptions according to the correct income category. This only applies to members of the Necesse benefit
The subscription income categories
Monthly income
R5 000 and less
R5 001 to R7 000
R7 001 to R11 000
R11 001 and more
New enrolments and benefit options changes
If Medihelp does not know your gross monthly income and that of your spouse/partner (if this person is registered
as your dependant) at the time of enrolment on one of these benefit options, you will have to pay subscription
according to the benefit option’s highest income category. If the highest of your gross monthly income or that of
your spouse/partner is less than the income indicated for the highest income category, you may send proof of
your gross monthly income to Medihelp to possibly qualify for lower monthly subscription according to a lower
income category.
Proof of income by members of these benefit options
If you are a member of the Necesse benefit option and your subscription is calculated according to one of the
lower income categories, you must inform Medihelp by no later than 30 November of every year of your and
your spouse’s/ partner’s (if applicable) current gross monthly income, even if your monthly income has not
changed and your subscription must still be calculated according to the same income category. Medihelp may
also in some cases request a member to submit proof of income throughout the year.
If you do not submit proof of income by this date, Medihelp will have no choice but to assume that your financial
situation has changed to such an extent that you must pay your monthly subscriptions according to the next
higher income category. Subscription adjustments to the next higher income category will apply from your
January premium.
If your financial situation should change during the course of the year and you request Medihelp to pay
subscriptions according to a lower income category, your request can only be considered on receipt of acceptable
proof of income and the income declaration form.

I like thinking big. If you’re going to be thinking anything, you might as well think big. | Donald Trump