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40 SIPA Guide to Careers in International and Public Affairs
Sample Cover Letter of Introduction Requesting an Informational Interview
235 East 57
New York, NY 10027
November 28, 2003
Ms. Amelia Shacoy
Unit Head, Education Task Force
New York City Office of Management and Budget
75 Park Place
New York, NY 10007
Dear Ms. Shacoy:
I am currently a first-year Master of Public Administration (MPA) student
specializing in Education Policy at Columbia University's School of
International and Public Affairs. After discussing my career interests with
Meg Heenehan in the Office of Career Services, she recommended that I
contact you. I am particularly interested in the financing of education within
New York City and the role of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
in this process. I would very much appreciate the opportunity to talk with you
about your experience at OMB, and in particular with the education task force.
As you indicated your willingness to speak with MPA students through the
Alumni Career Advisory Program, I would like to speak with you to learn
more about the actual work that your task force performs. Your advice on the
skills and coursework necessary to contribute effectively as an entry-level
analyst and suggestions on appropriate internships to pursue would also be
very helpful. To provide you with some sense of my background, I am
enclosing a resume.
Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to talking with you soon.
Paige Collins
Good introduction of
purpose in writing and
explanation of interest.
Referral name is key!
Be clear that you are
looking only for advice, not
a job lead, and note the
enclosure of a resume.
When is soon? Be specific
about your plans to follow
up on this letter, and carry
them out exactly!

Leadership is doing what is right when no one is watching. | George Van Valkenburg