HTML Preview In-house Services COVID 19 E-mail Script page number 1.

Created: 3 April 2020
In-house services workers
and COVID-19
Example email and phone scripts for when you perform work in a home
Talking to clients and customers about COVID-19 may be challenging. The following scripts will assist
you to have a conversation about the measures you are putting in place to protect against exposure
to the virus and to approach this sensitive topic in an appropriate way.
> You have privacy obligations when you handle personal information. Find more information on the
Office of the Information Commissioner website.
> Things can change rapidly. If your worker arrives at a home and has a reasonable belief that
householders may be unwell or are self-isolating, you should have a system in place so they know
what to do in these circumstances, including if they should not enter the home. You may need to
contact the householder again before work can commence.
> You also need to decide what you will do if a householder will not answer these questions. You and
your workers should not enter a home if you cannot assure yourself that it is safe to do so.
Email script
Hello [insert name]
[Insert name] is scheduled to attend your property to [insert task] on [insert date].
During the COVID-19 pandemic we are taking additional steps to make sure everyone can stay
healthy and safe when we visit your home.
It is very important that you inform us in advance if anyone in your household is unwell, or self-
isolating because they are at risk of becoming unwell, with COVID-19.
Unfortunately, due to strict public health requirements we will be unable to attend if anyone in your
household is unwell or in self-isolation. We will of course treat this information in strict confidence and
will be happy to reschedule your appointment for another time.
What [insert business name] is doing
You might also like to know about the measures [insert business name] has taken to manage the
risks of exposure to COVID-19 when we visit clients’ homes.
These include [insert measures that have been implemented. This may include: increased hygiene
measures, physical distancing, not performing certain tasks, conducting meetings outside etc].
What you can do
It is important to us to be able to continue to provide our regular service to you and your family at this

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