HTML Preview Strategic Marketing Plan Outline page number 1.

Company Name:
Brand or Service:
I. Executive Summary
A. Summary of situation analysis
B. Summary of marketing objectives
C. Summary of marketing strategies
D. Budget summary
II. Situation Analysis
A. The industry
1. Definition of industry and company business
2. History of industry
a. Technological advances
b. Trends
3. Growth patterns within industry
a. Demand curve
b. Per capita consumption
c. Growth potential
4. Characteristics of industry
a. Distribution patterns and traditional channels
b. Regulation and control within industry
c. Typical promotional activity
d. Geographical characteristics
e. Profit patterns
B. The company
1. Brief history
2. Scope of business
3. Current size, growth, profitability
4. Reputation
5. Competence in various areas
a. Strengths
b. Weaknesses
C. The product/service
1. The product story
a. Development and history
b. Stage of product life cycle
(1) Introduction
(2) Growth
(3) Maturity
(4) Decline
c. Quality factors
d. Design considerations
e. Goods classification
(1) Consumer or industrial good
(2) Durable or nondurable good or service
(3) Convenience, shopping, or specialty good
(4) Package good, hard good, soft good, service
Encapsulation, for executive review,
of entire marketing plan in no more
than two or three pages.
Complete statement of where the
organization is today and
how it got there.
What business the organization is in
and characteristics of the industry as
a whole. Information available from
industry trade publications, trade
association newsletters, consumer
business press, Department of
Commerce publications.
All relevant information on the
company and its capabilities,
opportunities, and/or problems.
Information may be found in annual
reports, sales records, warranty card
records, customer correspondence,
sales staff reports.
Complete description and all
relevant information on the
product/service mix, sales, and the
strengths and weaknesses therein.
See sales literature, sales reports,
dealer correspondence, and so on.
Marketing Plan Outline

You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself, any direction you choose. | Dr. Seuss