Student Induction Checklist
This form should be completed by the employer and student on the first day or early during the placement.
Yes No initials
1 The student is welcomed and introduced to the workplace
2 The business of the organisation is described
3 Student is shown through the offices/facility and introduced to
appropriate staff members
4 Toilet locations are shown
5 Staff lunch area identified and break times and normal protocol described
6 Telephone use explained
7 Use of mobile phone agreed (including ring tone type and volume if
8 Use of computers explained
9 Fire exits and location of fire extinguishers/equipment identified.
Emergency procedures discussed.
10 Health and Safety procedures explained and training received if
necessary (e.g. manual handling)
11 Procedures for any equipment use explained (printing / hand tools etc.)
12 Advised on how to report an accident/injury/near miss
13 Work times and punctuality policy explained
14 Absenteeism policy explained
15 Personal standards/behaviour/explained, code of conduct agreement
16 Dress code and standards of appearance explained
17 Student responsibilities explained
18 Students goals and targets discussed
19 School insurance details have been given to the employer
Other Comments:
Student’s Signature:
Supervisor’s Signature:
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