HTML Preview Candidate Interview page number 1.

Sample Candidate Interview Schedule
Here is an example of a Candidate Interview Schedule for a process with:
5 Candidates
3 Activities:
o An Employee Panel Interview
o A Manager Panel Interview
o One-on-One Interview with the Director (hiring authority)
The example assumes 55 minute interviews and that pre-briefing of panels occurred prior to
the start of the interview day.
Candidate Interview Schedule
Employee Panel Interview
Conference Room 1
Manager Panel Interview
Conference Room 2
Director Interview
Director’s Office
Candidate A
8 9
9 10
10 11
Candidate B
9 10
10- 11
11 12
Candidate C
10 - 11
11 12
12 1
Candidate D
11-30 12:30
12:30 1:30
1:30 2:30
Candidate E
12:30 1:30
1:30 2:30
2:30 -3:30
Below is a more detailed example of “process schedule” for the day of the interviews. It shows
a breakdown of activities for all participants from the beginning until the end of the day
Schedule of Activities: Day of the Interview
Morning Activities
8 9
Employee Panel
Conference Room 1
9 10
Employee Panel
Conference Room 1
Manager Panel
Conference Room 2
10 - 11
Employee Panel
Conference Room 1
Manager Panel
Conference Room 2
Director’s Office
11- 11:30
Employee Panel
Conference Room 1
Manager Panel
Conference Room 2
Director’s Office
11:30 Noon
Employee Panel
Conference Room 1
Manager Panel
Conference Room 2
Director’s Office

Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler. | Albert Einstein